creator of things

Skullcandy | Superbowl 2015

Everyone is being so clever since Oreo talked about eating cookies in the dark, so we decided to up our game at others expense. 

Taking a lighthearted approach to the big game, we had custom made emojis made prior to the game, and were live tweeting them as the game developed. Key conversations included Lenny Kravitz scarf, half-time nip slips and $20k fines for doing Michael Jackson impersonations. 

The initiative brought in a Skullcandy high on Twitter with 240k impressions during the game, and some additional earned media talking about our youthful antics.

Everyone is being so clever since Oreo talked about eating cookies in the dark, so we decided to up our game at others expense. Sorry to Lenny Kravitz, Janet Jackson and Tom Brady. Sorry, not sorry.

The initiative brought in a Skullcandy high on Twitter with 240k impressions during the game, and some additional earned media around our youthful antics.